The art and science of communication. 


At Pigment we believe communication is part science and part art. Communication is a discipline. We build well-planned, meticulously crafted campaigns that succeed. Incredible creative is hit or miss. You never know what people or going to think. Unless you ask them. 

We love creative efforts and deeply appreciate aesthetics. It’s part of our name. But we help you consider everything else you need to be successful. And that usually starts with a study and a strategy: What is the problem? How do we develop a solution to solve the problem?  What capabilities do you have to solve the problem? What do you need? How are those capabilities performing?

Our principals have decades of experience in strategic communication, working for governments, non-profits and commercial clients. The Naval Post Graduate School, the National Defense University, the Marine Corps Command and General Staff College, the Army Science Board, the Naval War College, and the Long Term Strategy Project at Harvard University have all called on members of our team to discuss social sciences and communication planning. 

Transitioning to the private sector, we find that firms that are involved in areas with significant reputation risk call on us to help them understand issues, develop long-term plans, provide crisis support and manage communications for them.  Defense firms, airlines, banks, insurance companies and even motor sports racing teams turn to us when they need assistance making the most of existing capabilities, or when considering new ones.